Jeremy Putz, Jon Putz, Chris Zeller, Graeme Rattray, Tomas Belchior
Lead Pastor: Jeremy Putz
Site Pastor: Tomas Belchior
Pastor of Youth & Worship: Levi Nigh
Pastor of Seniors Ministry: Tom Anderst
Pastor of Kids Ministry: Heather Yule
Young Adults: Graydon Antoniuk
Site Pastor: Graeme Rattray
Central Kids: Emily Sanders
Youth & Worship: Mike Pronk
Site Pastor: Chris Zeller
Worship: Zack Barker
Central Kids: Kim Schroeder
Youth: Jessica Wood
Support Staff:
Office and Facility Manager: Kim Doring
Receptionist & Worship Support: Amanda Kotila
Bookkeeper: Rose Lubek
Connors Hill Custodian: Walter Dickau
Sherwood Park Custodian: Peter McAuliffe
Sunday Mornings
Connors Hill Site: 9419 - 95 Street, Edm
9 am & 11 am
Southeast Site: 4357 Savaryn Drive SW, Edm
9 am & 11 am
Sherwood Park Site: 52 Peacock Drive, Sherwood Park
9 am & 11 am