The ABA exists to connect and enable churches to impact communities for the growth and advancement of the kingdom of God in Alberta and the world. Learn More

Touching Base
Tuesday, September 17, 2:00 - 3:00 pm

Guest: Greg Hochhalter

Having grown up in an NAB church, Greg began his ministry journey within the NAB context, serving as a Senior Associate Pastor at Trinity Baptist (Kelowna) before taking responsibility (2007) as Lead Pastor of Sherwood Park Alliance Church.

Greg is a graduate of Vanguard University (Costa Mesa, CA) and Fuller Theological Seminary (Pasadena, CA), a self-described ‘American by birth’ and ‘Canadian by choice’, as well as one whose summer hobbies include ‘motorcycling and golfing’ and whose winter hobby is ‘waiting for summer’. Greg is deeply in love with his wife Corrine (a Registered Nurse) and together they have two adult children.

As he officially wraps-up his role at Sherwood Park Alliance (August/2024) Greg has given much prayerful consideration and implementation to ministry ‘transition’.


Touching Base

A monthly 'online' gathering, every 3rd Tuesday of each month (2:00-3:00 PM) to connect ABA pastors with one another as well as with a pertinent matter of ministry to discuss. Click Resources tab above for more sessions.

ABA Calendar of Events

The 2024-25 Calendar .pdf is located in the ABOUT tab above.  Click the calendar tab.

ABA Book Announcements
Published books by ABA Pastors

Pastors in the ABA are publishing some books.  Go to Resources dropdown menu to find Book Announcements.  OR click here.